What am I up to lately? Yes, I've been really busy with work as the usual. However, I would also be indulging myself to interesting things that I love doing while I can. Lately, I've taken up a creative project that make time go really fast! Meaning, that I got so indulged in what I was doing that time passes by so fast and I that I do not even feel it. When I finished a milestone, the client got so enthusiastic and excited for the next project and kept on bugging me to finish the next one, especially when he saw the progress. Once again, it got to the point that client got really excited with my project and sulked when I took a time off due to overwork. It seems I'm dangerous when I indulge myself in something, I tend to give my best and when clients like it, they 'order' for more, not ask for more, 'order' is the phrase because they tend to get bossy later when the job was done more than they expect, they tend to make a freaking Santa list! Of course, that would usually make me lose the time I have for other things that I want to do or for other clients~ Time is the most expensive factor when one becomes an adult.
At most times when I get really stressed out and I need something to really keep my mind off from the stress, it seems playing STARCRAFT once again has made me hooked up on the game even though I keep freaking losing to my partner. We are still thinking of other games we could play together like as a team but battling with each other doesn't seem to be a really bad idea.
Lately, we we're watching 'SUTEKI NA SEN TAXI / Time Taxi' and I was asked what I would I want to do over in my life? That I answered none. Why? Because so far everything went on as I want it to be. Although, there were some hiccups, it's nothing that can't be fixed anytime soon. Oh, I recommend the 10 episode series of Japanese Film 'Suteki na Sen Taxi / Time Taxi' I love it and watch one episode a day. Well, just a reference my partner set because he didn't want to finish the series all in one go.
Oh, also I got the news lately of Kiss Anime shutting down. It's so sad and the same as others I feel terribly empty... especially, when they announced they'll upload anime titles by 2021, my eyes probably becomes like a Nightwalker by the time they upload it to YouTube. Most people knows that pirated media is bad for the industry and even I as an animator gets affected by the harassing rates we get from making anime but seriously, the timing was incredibly terrible especially in the time when most people are inside their homes due to Pandemic and everyone relies on entertainment online. For me, since I could not even take my stress walk outside, I could only rely watching anime at home. I rarely put any budget for watching anime and this time I still hope I could still watch them for free. Of course, if they will add ads or sponsorships I would understand and not skip them, but please let us view them for free. I beg you~ Well, I wouldn't want to resort in pulling my underground strings just to watch anime for free.
During our food break, my partner would whip up something good just to make us feel motivated for work during the day. It has been tough for me that I could not even go to the supermarket to browse things I would want to cook for the next day as we got back to MECQ and the virus gets mutation. Speaking of which, my friends are telling me to switch into an upgraded gear for protection, they said the one that they gave me initially might not be effective protection from the new mutation and I will really need to look & buy one myself since even they could not find and get one except the one they use for work. Things are getting really tough.... So! What we do is be creative for our meals and everything feels rewarded and charged when we eat good food that we love.