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  • Trixia Salonga

    Trixia Salonga

    Hi! I'm Trixia and welcome to my slice of life. I'm not your average blogger, I'm a hybrid of multi-dimensional shoujo, a rare breed of legal loli and a unique original producer of ideas and inspiration. My path goes on the other side of the road which is less traveled, where thrill and excitement rests. This blog holds my inner thoughts, experiences, opinions and out-of-the-ordinary theories which I keep as a journal of my life's highlights. Contact me at reshadollyprincess@gmail.com for collaboration

    Last Year was a crazy year, but a blessed one. All my dreams came true!  Here are some of the recaps of Last Years (2013).

    Month of June
    Restaurant of Happiness

    A unexpected Food tripping along Susano Road of Novaliches, Quezon City turning out to be the best food discoveries of the family's favorite Chinese cuisines!

    Month of May
    Random Pictures

    These are a compilation of my pictures and playing with the photo editor. Some of here shows the surroundings here in the Philippines.

     Month of April
     Monitor Deco

    One of my crazy Creative ideas to put a cute look to your old screen monitor

    Japanese Hot Baths

    Craving for a great relaxing bath?
    Here are the baths that Otakus will                                                          really love!

     Month of March
    Rippled effect Kotatsu Table
    A kotatsu table that is a must have!

    Homey Train in Japan

    When visiting Japan, never miss out on this ride!


    Chinese Paintings
     Some paintings that I developed during my highschool years!


     Month of October

    Random Pictures

    Another of my cutie picture collection.

    Alfonso's Champorado

    A blog about 7'11's Alfonso's instant Champorado

    Fatboys vs. Dexters Pizza Showdown

    Can't get enough of Pizza? Try reading Fatboys and Dexters Showdown and see who wins this 1 on 1 fight.

    Kawaii Finds

    A trip to Monumento! A place where you get to find cheap and cute things!


    A must watch tv series of terrifying and hair-raising episodes for the Halloween!

     Month of December
    Shu Uemura Cosplay  

    Shu Uemura's cosplay of Pink and Black Princess at Trinoma and Alabang Town Center                                    

     Christmas Gifts and Trips

    A blog about the trippings with my friend at Ayala and Gifts that I received this Christmas.

    In the start of the New Year celebration (2014) everyone was excited of what this year’s celebration would look like.

    I filled the room with music of Christmas songs, everyone is just too excited preparing for the big event.
    Mom and my housemates very busy preparing at 7:30 pm.

      What I love about celebrating New Year and Christmas is---- Condensed Milk

    During my Mom's preparation at night, I would sneak out and get this delicious ingredient that is always on my Mom's List, at first she would be worrying where it went-- but later on, she realizes that I took a trip to the kitchen.

     As a tradition in our family, we would wear clothing with circles, for a prosperous New Year, in our pockets, it would be filled with coins, and we would shake this during last minutes that the New Year came.
    Mine I wore shorts with large circles and spaghetti top also with small and big circles on it. They say the colourful your clothes are like reds, would be very lucky.

     Mom Just loves Bread!

    I'm not very familiar with Korean foods, but we were very blessed with a gift from mom's secretary, as some may know, Philippines is one of the country where most Korean craze is all over the place!


    12:00 in the morning of Year 2014, we were in front of our house looking at the sky for the fireworks! Sorry for the blurred pictures, I'm not really good at capturing fireworks


    These are just two fireworks that we had, we're actually scared to lit big fireworks so, these were the ones that we bought, one is a fountain type and small firecraker.

     So, that was our New Year Celebration. I was unable to update immediately due to an unexpected event, Dad was rushed to hospital due to difficulty in breathing and later on at ICU. We are all praying for his fast recovery and healthy body. Thank you so much for reading my New Years update! Stay tuned and add me to your circles for new updates!

    . Sunday, January 05, 2014 .

    popular posts

    . Thursday, December 26, 2013 .

     It's about time to open the presents! I am just too excited, I saw lots of my gifts under the Christmas Tree, I acted like a small child very excited to open up the gifts.

    First was from my friend Aizelle, this cool small notebooks. She knows how much I love writing and drawing, and for all those that love the same, this is a must! Easily jot down things in style!There are so many designs and its sooo cute!
     Thank you Aizelle for choosing this!
    I received this gift from my Nephew, its so cute and who knows I really needed one! I love the strap, made of plastic material, great for those people that is on to rigid sports or work, making it water resistant and easy to wash.

     That design is sooo cute! Thank you to my Niece!

    My auntie gave me this keepie organizer! It is a big convenience to me because I travel a lot, and all my toiletries, small things, lotions, perfumes or makeup gets messed up! With the compartments divided, It'll be as easy as 1-2-3 in finding them! Thank you to my Auntie!

    My cousin gave this pouch, also great for storing a lot of my makeup, but I think I would be needing this for short walks to the stores, Savemore or just around the campus, It'll be quite handy in storing my digi cam, phone and money ^^. Thank you dear Niece!

     This Mickey Mouse smells cute! Seriously! The moment I opened my packaged the cherry scent just came out from the packaging and I was like ~ waaa hmmm smells so cute!! Thanks to my housemate!

    These clothes are from my Mother, they are great wear for a Sunday! especially Family time Sunday! Thank you Mom!

    Lastly this came from my Mom's Secretary. I love it, now I have an iphone! haha ~ just kidding, Thank you sister!

    The gifts 
    This Christmas is a blessing for me, just like the other Christmas last years!
    I am truly thankful to those that gave me these gifts!
    Made my Christmas the best there is!
    . Wednesday, December 25, 2013 .

    Merry Christmas to all! It's a whole new year again, I can't believe how fast time flies! Even though all of us are very busy with our work, school, relationships, families, it is the time of the year where all of us, humans, animals and environment unite in celebration for the coming of Christ the King.

    It is where we give gifts and show our appreciation to others, no matter how far we are, or even if there is misunderstandings with other person, it is in this time that we set aside those feelings and forgive, it's magical isn't it?
    Remember the Winchester brothers? Even those dark past they had, they found a way to still celebrate the spirit of Christmas ~

    This December, It is about me and my friend's trip to a busy city, Ayala, Alabang. We went there during Sundays, which allowed us to really appreciate the whole place because it was a non-working day.
     The building are shiny and tall ~ we both felt like we're already at New York city ^^ haha
     It was a great free time to pose and do anything because there are few people around.
     The weather too is really inviting, not too sunny/hot, not raining/too cold. In fact, we could really feel Christmas is very near because the the cold breezes all over the place.
                            My friend Aizelle here loves the place too.
     Girly moments haha~
    We went inside the Enterprise tower, and they were setting up this super huge Christmas Tree, 
    we look like dwarfs stealing gifts! haha
     Our expressions~ I was literally astonished with the big tree and my friend Aizelle, on the gifts!

     After that we had to go----- Shopping!!! My boyfriend bought me this sweater for Christmas ~ how sweet ^^
     Then after the long day, Its time we eat some thing! Pizzas!

    At home, Its about time to prepare for our Noche Buena, we had these delicious food, and so thankful for the blessings we had throughout the year!

    Yummy breads

    Pizza made by my boyfriend



    Birth of Christ

    Christmas Lights by  dining room

    Our Christmas Tree filled with presents!

    More decos!

    Count down ends!

    deco again

    Our Shitzu, Wifi thinks the food is also delicious, but no you can't Wifi, that ham, bad for your health!

    Pizza 2 made by my boyfriend

    Leche Flan
    Whole presentation

    Sponsored by Coke as always haha~
     This is a tradition that we have since, to have cocoa during christmas and New Year, we would dip the bread in the chocolate and eat it~ seriously its delicious~
    Chocolate Cocoa

    me and jonathan

    Our two housemates

    I am very happy for the continuing support! Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
    More blogs in the future~ ^^