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  • Trixia Salonga

    Trixia Salonga

    Hi! I'm Trixia and welcome to my slice of life. I'm not your average blogger, I'm a hybrid of multi-dimensional shoujo, a rare breed of legal loli and a unique original producer of ideas and inspiration. My path goes on the other side of the road which is less traveled, where thrill and excitement rests. This blog holds my inner thoughts, experiences, opinions and out-of-the-ordinary theories which I keep as a journal of my life's highlights. Contact me at reshadollyprincess@gmail.com for collaboration


    teamfitfil novuhair live facebook

    NOVUHAIR®, the leading natural hair loss treatment in the Philippines, partnered with The Fit Filipino (FITFIL) Movement lead by Jim & Toni Saret, the brand’s VIP Fitness Coaches, to a FREE 20-day Facebook Live workout aimed at improving your wellness quotient goals through a “Bulletproof Immune System Activity Booster”. 
    This workout program is designed to help beginners and complement the workout of those with active exercise routines. 
    You can still join the program from May 18 until May 29, 2020. Happening everyday from Monday to Friday at 4pm live on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/fitfilmovement

    Jim and Toni Saret standing free workout trainers

    Optimism Adds Resilience
    Optimism is a crucial factor on how we choose to navigate our journey to success. Businesses, institutions and various groups have a significant role to play in fostering this especially in times of crisis.
    From the start of this pandemic, profuse optimism, coupled with genuine concern among key stakeholders in weathering the storm, is evident in the support and proactive measures of Pascual Total Health Incorporated, the holding company of Bionutra Innovations Inc., the company subsidiary marketing the leading natural hair loss treatment in the Philippines, NOVUHAIR® – nature’s answer to hair loss.
    Thank you card to frontliners

    Discover more at https://bit.ly/3bCtLzS
    #NovuhairCares #NothingToLoseNovuhair #ChooseNatural #BelieveInYourselfNovuhair

    teamfitfil novuhair live facebook

    NOVUHAIR®, the leading natural hair loss treatment in the Philippines, partnered with The Fit Filipino (FITFIL) Movement lead by Jim & Toni Saret, the brand’s VIP Fitness Coaches, to a FREE 20-day Facebook Live workout aimed at improving your wellness quotient goals through a “Bulletproof Immune System Activity Booster”. 
    This workout program is designed to help beginners and complement the workout of those with active exercise routines. 
    You can still join the program from May 18 until May 29, 2020. Happening everyday from Monday to Friday at 4pm live on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/fitfilmovement

    Jim and Toni Saret standing free workout trainers

    Optimism Adds Resilience
    Optimism is a crucial factor on how we choose to navigate our journey to success. Businesses, institutions and various groups have a significant role to play in fostering this especially in times of crisis.
    From the start of this pandemic, profuse optimism, coupled with genuine concern among key stakeholders in weathering the storm, is evident in the support and proactive measures of Pascual Total Health Incorporated, the holding company of Bionutra Innovations Inc., the company subsidiary marketing the leading natural hair loss treatment in the Philippines, NOVUHAIR® – nature’s answer to hair loss.
    Thank you card to frontliners

    Discover more at https://bit.ly/3bCtLzS
    #NovuhairCares #NothingToLoseNovuhair #ChooseNatural #BelieveInYourselfNovuhair

    . Monday, May 18, 2020 .

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